Anales galdosianos
Año XIII, 1978
Nota preliminar
Imagery of light and darkness in La de Bringas
Chad C. Wright
The streets of Madrid as a structuring device in Fortunata y Jacinta
Phyllis Zatlin Boring
Sallies and encounters in Torquemada en la hoguera: patterns of significance
Peter A. Bly
Death and succession in the Torquemada series
Wm. M. Sherzer
Some considerations of the religious allusions in Pérez Galdós Torquemada novels
Terence T. Folley
Torquemada, ¿San Eloy o Dagoberto?
Pierre I. Ullman
Man and nature in Galdós' Halma
J. E. Varey
Halma and the writings of St. Augustine
G. G. Minter
Una nota acerca de Verdaguer y Nazarín
Matilde L. Boo
A note on Nazarín
Hadassah Ruth Weiner
The importance of Rodrigo Soriano's Moros y cristianos in the creation of Misericordia
Vernon A. Chamberlin
Deformaciones populacheras en el diálogo galdosiano
Joseph A. Fernández
One fine body…