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Bermejo, Historia, I, 371-72 and 538. (N. del A.)



Lexicographer, translator, and journalistic entrepreneur, Nemesio Fernández Cuesta y Picatoste (1818-1893) was evidently a close relation of the younger Felipe Picatoste y Rodríguez (1834-1892), who in turn was editor of the RMIE (1865-67) and, after the 1868 Revolution, editor of the Gaceta de Madrid, administrador of the National Printing Office, staff writer on Las Novedades, and contributor to many other papers (Ossorio, p. 349). Hoar apparently confuses this younger journalist with Nemesio Fernández Cuesta (cf. BPG y la RMIE, p. 28); and Ossorio abets the confusion by noting that Fernández Cuesta was also a director of the Gaceta de Madrid after the Revolution (p. 129). (N. del A.)



Rivas, Curiosidades, p. 135, and Fernández Almagro, I, 66-67. (N. del A.)



«El Duque de Montpensier», in Obras inéditas, IV: Política española, ed. Alberto Ghiraldo (Madrid: Renacimiento, 1923), pp. 231-44. Cf. Fernández Almagro, I, 63-66, and Gómez Aparicio, II, 123-25. When Andrés Borrego, the cautious and conservative iberista, speaks, in 1877, of the «circunspección y reserva que nos imponemos al hablar acerca del señor Duque de Montpensier más de lo absolutamente preciso», we may begin to suspect that such constraints were widely observed and that they prevented any detailed discussion of the causes of the failure of monarchical Iberism prior to the death, in 1890, of Montpensier himself, a member of the royal family and one of the chief architects of that failure. By 1890, few people cared about this obscure chapter in Peninsular history, and fewer still were in full possession of the facts necessary to explain it with any degree of historical objectivity. (See Borrego's Datos [cited above], p. 33, and his Historia de una idea. España y Portugal [Madrid: Fortanet, 18691). Montpensier was, for a time, considered an accessory to the murder of Prim in 1870; Galdós' somewhat ambiguous interpretation of this event, and of Montpensier's possible involvement in it, is discussed by Brian J. Dendle, «Galdós and the Death of Prim», Anales Galdosianos, IV (1969), 63-71, and by Antonio Regalado García, Benito Pérez Galdós y la novela histórica española, 1868-1912 (Madrid: Ínsula, 1966), pp. 454-64. (N. del A.)



Leo J. Hoar, Jr., «Politics and Poetry: More Proof of Galdos' Work for Las Cortes», Modern Language Notes, 88 (1973), 378-97; his article includes the nineteen-paragraph text of Galdós' review as printed in Juan Palomo, pp. 393-97. Cf. Hoar's BPG y la RMIE, pp. 17-18, note 6. (N. del A.)



William H. Shoemaker, La crítica literaria de Galdós (Madrid: Ínsula, 1979), pp. 22-23. (N. del A.)



Alfonso Cervantes, «La influencia del periodismo en la formación de Benito Pérez Galdós», Diss. UCLA 1972, p. 25. (N. del A.)



Hoar, «Politics and Poetry», pp. 378-79, note 2, and p. 389. (N. del A.)



Cervantes, p. 24: «Nuestras investigaciones de los escritos en Las Novedades de 1866 a 1870 no han producido ningún artículo con la firma del novelista». (N. del A.)



See H. Chonon Berkowitz, Pérez Galdós. Spanish Liberal Crusader (University of Wisconsin, 1948); Josette Blanquat, «Documentos galdosianos: 1912», Anales Galdosianos, 3 (1968): 143-50; and Benito Madariaga, Pérez Galdós. Biografía Santanderina (Santander, 1979). An outline of Galdós' Republicanism and of its reflection in the later episodios nacionales can be found in Brian J. Dendle, Galdós: The Mature Thought (University of Kentucky, 1980). (N. del A.)
