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Benito Pérez Galdós, Fortunata y Jacinta (Madrid: Hernando, 1979), p. 14. All further references to this work appear in the text.



The idea of sexual appetite, that is, the connection between the act of eating and the erotic is central to our understanding of more than one character in the work, as will be seen when we come to the discussion of Don Evaristo Feijóo. Yet in the character of Ido de Sagrario, whose bouts of insanity, as will be recalled, are directly related to his eating of meat, Galdós appears to be offering almost a parody of his own idea. That is, the specific nature of don José's food-induced spells - in which he jealously imagines his rather unappetizing wife to be the object of other men's adulterous longings - is an idea which draws, with comic exaggeration, upon the too obvious connection between «carne»-«carnal», an age-old idea that the novelist is at great pains elsewhere to handle with far more subtlety.



For a discussion of Fortunata as a bird about to be preyed upon, see Stephen Gilman, «The Birth of Fortunata», Anales galdosianos, 1 (1966), 71-84. The erotic implications of the «tienda» scene are examined by Carlos Blanco-Aguinaga, «On 'The Birth of Fortunata'», Anales galdosianos, 3 (1968), 13-24.



Again we are indebted to the previously mentioned study by Levi-Strauss for pointing out the significance, on the mythological level, of a seemingly mundane activity: cooking. Pp. 289-293.



P. Ullman, «The Exordium of Torquemada en la hoguera», Modern Language Notes, 80 (1965), 258-60.



B. J. Zeidner Bäuml, «The Mundane Demon: The Bourgeois Grotesque in Galdós' Torquemada en la hoguera», Symposium, 24 (1970), 158-165, p. 159.



H. B. Hall, «Torquemada: The Man and his Language», in Galdós Studies, ed. J. E. Varey (London, 1970), 136-163, p. 138.



J. L. Brooks, Introduction to his edition of Torquemada en la hoguera (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973), p. 33.



F. Ayala, «Los narradores en 'Las novelas de Torquemada'», in La novela: Galdós y Unamuno (Barcelona, 1974), p. 76. This study was previously published in Homenaje a Galdós in Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 250-52 (Madrid, 1958).



M. Nimetz, Humor in Galdós (New Haven, 1968).
